Who we are


Style and Brands | Agency

Corinna Lemm

Früh übt sich: Corinna hat in den 90ern nach ihrem Jurastudium als Volontärin bei PPR Harder angefangen – und die Agentur wenige Jahre und einige Auslands-Erfahrungen später kurzerhand selbst übernommen. Als Lakritz- und Pfefferminzjunkie hat die Style & Brands Geschäftsführerin neben zahlreichen Mode- und Beautykunden auch für renommierte Food-Brands wie Mars, Uncle Ben’s, Heinz Ketchup, Du darfst, Bacardi und Chiquita gearbeitet. Seit Anfang 2018 ist Corinna außerdem Dozentin für Online-PR und Influencer Marketing an der Münchner Marketing Akademie.

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Style and Brands | Agency

Alisa Bertsch

Wenn Alisa alias @vizualisa nicht gerade privat auf Tour in den Bergen ist, widmet sich die Virtual Designerin und Online-Marketing-Managerin am liebsten ihren 42.000 Followern auf Instagram. Eine Leidenschaft, die sie nun mit viel Spaß und guter Laune bei Style & Brands als Expertin für Influencer-Marketing auslebt. Und wenn es tagsüber mal etwas hektischer zugeht, entspannt sie sich abends lieber bei „John Wick“ und Actionfilmen.

Style and Brands | Agency

Clara Behrends

Double Agent Clara: If Clara doesn’t jog through the English garden with her dog, solves legal cases in Munich’s LMU, or crams paragraphs, she ensures at Style & Brands that every receipt is labeled. As a working student of the agency, the enthusiastic mountaineer is always the savior when there is a fire in any corner or a lack of helping hands. Our finance and bills jewel with a big heart for animals!

Style and Brands | Agency


Feelgood-Manager | Expert for treats and dog-cookies

Style and Brands | Agency

Tina Igerl

As a fashionista with an education as classic photographer, the social media world is exactly the terrain in which Tina feels at home. With lots of creativity, passion and humor, the mother of two is an expert for content management and community building at Style & Brands. In her leisure time, our 1,58m Munich power package is most likely to be found in Italy or South Tyrol. Small packaging – big content!



Corinna Lemm becomes a lecturer at the Maketing Academy in Munich


„hajo Polo & Sportswear“ is sponsor of the German Polo Tour 2017 and assigns Style & Brands to be responsible for the communication


The agency wins the account of „Herrlicher“ and of the australian lifestyle-label „Roadsign“


Style & Brands accompanies the market entry of the first pregnancy pantyhose of „Kunert“


June: Style & Brands launches the innovative project for young and rising designers „Fashion Start-up for Norway” in cooperation with ICC and the Norwegian consulate


April: Style & Brands is relaunched as full service communications agency focusing on lifestyle


Style & Brands as from now serves K&L Ruppert’s twitter channel


The first facebook campaign for the fashion brand K&L Ruppert turns out as a great success with the target group and the press alike


In cooperation with top model Heidi Klum Style & Brands launches the mineral water „Bella Fontanis“


Corinna Lemm becomes sole director. The agency is renamed in Style & Brands


„Luisa Cerano“ now complements the agency’s fashion portfolio


The renowned shoe label “Rieker” is acquired as a new client


Corinna Lemm takes over the established Munich-based PR agency „PPR Harder“ together with Daniela Spohr